Last May 19, 2009 during the 13th General Assembly in Jakarta, SEAPAVAA officially accepted three new associate members and placed another individual in the roster of Lifetime Members.
- Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections
Associate Institution
36, rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
75005 Paris
Tel: 33-1-40795300
Fax: 33-1-40795312
Email: lavedrin@mnhn.frThe CRCC was founded in 1963 under the former name of CRCDG (research center for the conservation of graphic documents). It is a research laboratory under the umbrella of the national council of scientific research (USR3224, CNRS). The Ministry of Culture and the National museum of natural history are supporting its activities.CRCC is involved in research for the conservation of museums and archival collections and the training of scientists, conservators and curators. The Center has an educational position, which not only includes the teaching of university students but also permanent training for curators and conservators.
Prof. Bertrand Lavédrine, Director of CRCC, who attended the 13th Conference in Indonesia will officially be representing his association in SEAPAVAA.
- Friends of Sinematek Indonesia
Associate Institution
Jl. Cikini Raya 73, Jakarta 10330, Indonesia
Tel: +6221-3162780
Fax: +6221-31924616
Email: huskyblup@yahoo.comFriends of Sinematek Indonesia is a group of people concerned about the state of Sinematek Indonesia’s archive management. Composed of filmmakers, programmers, writers and also film enthusiasts the association is concerned about saving the currently deteriorating Indonesian film heritage.Lisabona Rahman was a panelist in the 13th Conference Symposium. She is one of the initiators of the Friends of Sinematek and will be officially representing them in SEAPAVAA.
- David Crosthwait
Associate Individual
President, DC Video
177 West Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, CA 91502, USA
Tel: 818-563-1073
Fax: 818-563-1177
Email: david@dcvideo.comDavid Crosthwait is the current President of DC Video. He founded DC Video for the sole purpose of providing solutions to the media archive community. He has the educational and technical background and ability in dealing with technical issues that pertain to obsolete and deteriorating film and videotape-based programs.As a consultant, he applies attention to detail in every customer project with accurate advice followed up by sound procedures. He uses his experience gained from years of network and postproduction work to provide to the customer the best possible service. Crosthwait helps to preserve the legacy of film and videotape programming through community efforts in preservation awareness and advanced re-mastering techniques.
His technical skills include archive element identification and client advisement and project supervision.
- Adrian Wood, current council member and long-time supporter of SEAPAVAA, is the 3rd Lifetime Member of the Association. He joins the roster with SEAPAVAA founder Ray Edmondson and Jim Lindner, former council member.