At this moment, the working group consists of colleagues from mostly European countries, Mexico, Canada and India. The team would like to broaden the range of archives from around the world, in particular from South East Asia-Pacific archives to join the project. It is essential for the working group to be culturally heterogeneous in order to secure that the strategies are applicable to as many different archival environments as possible.
Call for Research Participation: Share that Knowledge
Share that Knowledge aims to form a working group which will develop strategies for transferring knowledge within audiovisual archives. Working group members and research assistants will work together over the course of three years (September 2018 – September 2021), conducting field and literature research, which will result in a publication of the results, making them freely accessible. In order to realize the project, it needs the commitment of at least two researchers, a minimum of six research assistants from different archival institutions, and at least two expert advisers.
If interested to participate in the working group, please contact Nadja Šičarov at