19 – 23 April 2021 and 3 – 28 May 2021
NOTE: SEAPAVAA’s 25th Conference will now be held virtually from 23 – 25 June 2021 and SEAPAVAA’s 25th General Assembly will now be held electronically from 3 – 31 May 2021 as per the announcement released by the SEAPAVAA Executive Council on 14 February 2021.
Happy holiday greetings from the SEAPAVAA Executive Council!
2020 has been a tough and challenging year for all of us. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to reflect, rethink, re-evaluate how we work and live, changing our attitudes on what we once took for granted. On this note, we are truly grateful to our members for continuing to support SEAPAVAA in this difficult time. We look forward to a brighter horizon in the coming year.
There is reason to rejoice in 2021 as SEAPAVAA will be celebrating its Silver Jubilee anniversary, 25 years since its formal establishment in February 1996 in Manila, Philippines. You can look forward to participating in and contributing towards an array of events to be organized in celebration of our association’s 25th anniversary. However, with the ongoing uncertainties of the pandemic along with the travel restrictions and government protocols in many countries for a foreseeable time even in 2021, the Executive Council (EC) has concluded that it is prudent and safest to organise SEAPAVAA’s 25th Conference virtually within the week of 19 – 23 April 2021. The conference theme is “AV Archiving in Changing Times: Successes, Failures, and Challenges”.
We would also like to inform you that SEAPAVAA’s 25th General Assembly (GA) will be held electronically from 3 – 28 May 2021. The EC and Secretariat will advise regarding the implementation of the e-GA in due course.
We hope everyone will mark these dates and join us from wherever you are.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
Take care and stay safe.
SEAPAVAA Executive Council (2020 – 2023)