One of the key missions of the Southeast Asia-Pacific Audiovisual Archive Association (SEAPAVAA) is to advocate the advancement of the professional development and recognition of audiovisual archivists who safeguard the rich audiovisual heritage of the region.
The Southeast Asia-Pacific Audiovisual Archive Association (SEAPAVAA) seeks nominations for the 2020 SEAPAVAA Awards comprising the SEAPAVAA Fellowship Award and the SEAPAVAA Best Archival Project in the Region Award.
The SEAPAVAA Fellowship Award is a special recognition given to an individual’s lifetime achievement in the field of audiovisual archiving and/or whose exceptional service to SEAPAVAA has significantly contributed to the development of audiovisual archiving in the Southeast Asia-Pacific region.
The awardee/s will receive a trophy plaque and a waiver of registration fees of the annual SEAPAVAA conferences.
- Any SEAPAVAA member who has shown exceptional service and significant contribution to audiovisual archiving in the Southeast Asia-Pacific region. The current officers of the incumbent SEAPAVAA Executive Council are barred from being
- SEAPAVAA members who are not nationals or residents of the region can be nominated.
- The SEAPAVAA Fellowship Award may be given posthumously.
Responsibilities of the Fellows:
- Newly conferred fellows are required to present a master lecture during the conference in the immediate following year after their conferment.
- Participate in the projects/programmes that the SEAPAVAA Fellow Circle aims to pursue.
- Serve on the SEAPAVAA Fellowship Selection Committee.
Recipients of the SEAPAVAA Fellowship Award (1997-2019):
- Jamie Lean (2019)
- Adrian Wood (2019)
- Mick Newnham (2018)
- Bounchao Phichit (2018)
- Dome Sukvong (2018)
- Mary Del Pilar (2017)
- Ricky Orellana (2017)
- Tuenjai Sinthuvnik (2017)
- Belina SB Capul (2014)
- Ray Edmondson (2010)
- Jim Lindner (2010)
- Hisashi Okajima (2010)
- (The late) Misbach Yusabiran (1997)
The SEAPAVAA Best Archival Project in the Region Award strives to recognize projects that have inspired archival design thought and exhibit technical and spatial innovations.
Only one entry will be chosen as the Grand Prize winner for the Best Archival Project in the Region Award. The winner will receive a Certificate of Recognition and a cash prize of USD 1,000 (cash prize sponsored by AV Preservation by reto.ch). Exceptional runners-up will be presented with a Certificate of Merit.
The recipient of the 2019 Inaugural Best Archival Project in the Region Award was Save Myanmar Film for their grassroots initiative in restoring Myanmar’s film heritage.
- Any recent project or initiative from the Southeast Asia Pacific region which has shown exceptional innovation and significant contribution in audiovisual archiving are eligible.
- Projects started anytime from 2013 until present (2020) whether on-going or completed, may be nominated for the award.
- Procedures for Nominations and Submissions
- Only SEAPAVAA members in good standing can nominate a candidate or a project.
- The nomination forms for the 2020 SEAPAVAA Fellowship Award and SEAPAVAA Best Archival Project in the Region Award may be downloaded from the 2020 SEAPAVAA Corporate website [http://seapavaa.net].
- The nomination form in PDF file must be filled out electronically, and the information provided must be complete and accurate. SEAPAVAA shall not be held liable for the mistakes or misrepresentations indicated by the nominator.
- SEAPAVAA Fellowship Award: the nomination forms and other requirements (e.g. curriculum vitae/resume or written information/article relevant to the candidate’s nomination) must be submitted to the SEAPAVAA Secretariat via e-mail at [admin@seapavaa.net] or at [secretariat@seapavaa.net].
- SEAPAVAA Best Archival Project in the Region Award: the nomination forms and other requirements (e.g. photo documentations) must be submitted to the SEAPAVAA Secretariat via e-mail at [admin@seapavaa.net] or at [secretariat@seapavaa.net].
- The deadline for submission for the 2020 SEAPAVAA Fellowship Award and SEAPAVAA Best Archival Project in the Region Award is on or before March 31, 2020. The SEAPAVAA Secretariat will not entertain nominations received after the submission deadline.
- Notifications
- The winners will be publicly announced and posted on the SEAPAVAA corporate and conference websites. They will also be notified by the SEAPAVAA Secretariat.
- The awarding ceremony will be held during the SEAPAVA annual conference.
- The winners are encouraged to attend and receive the awards in person. Awardee(s) need to take care of their own travel expenses (airfare, accommodation, etc.) if they wish to receive the awards in person.
- Alternatively, the awardees may appoint representative(s) who are confirmed to attend the SEAPAVAA annual conference, to receive the awards on their behalf.
- Timelines
- Call for nominations open – 31 January 2020
- Deadline of submission of nominees – 30 March 2020
- Review of submissions – April 2020
- Announcement of the awardees – May 2020
- Awarding ceremony – June 2020
- The submission of nominees and application forms implies acceptance of the current The SEAPAVAA Executive Council will decide on all matters not expressly provided for in the current regulations and the Council’s decision shall be final.
- The winner(s) chosen is/are deemed final and conclusive, and cannot be questioned, challenged or appealed against on any ground.
- The SEAPAVAA Executive Council has full autonomy to decide not to confer any awards annually for valid reasons.
- For more information and inquiries on the submission of nominees, please email Michaela Navato at secretariat@seapavaa.net and copy Genelyn Galang at admin@seapavaa.net.