Grants of up to $US5,000 are available for eligible organisations from the Asia-Pacific. Grants are required to be fully expended, and the project completed and acquitted by December 2020. The grants are administered through the MOWCAP Office, Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, Republic of Korea. Further information can be found in the Grants Application Guidelines.
Applications for the grants close on 31 March 2020.
The MOWCAP-ACC grants program supports the efforts of the many groups and organisations that collect, preserve and provide access to documentary heritage from the Asia-Pacific region. It aims to encourage collaboration and partnerships to undertake documentary heritage-related projects (such as digitisation, exhibitions, publications etc) as well as to help organisations develop skills (e.g. workshops, training programs, expert assessments etc).
The Grants Program is made possible through the generous support of the Asia Culture Center.
More information including the Grants Guidelines and Application Form are available on the MOWCAP website.