Poster designed by Efi Sri Handayani, a freelance archivist in Indonesia.
The SEAPAVAA Executive Council would like to thank the following for enabling the success of our virtual 25th conference held from 23 to 25 June 2021:
– Vietnam Film Institute (VFI), host institution
– Thai Film Archive (Public Organizations), technical team
– The University of Illinois, Media Preservation Department
– Sponsors for the conference: HS-ART Digital, ROTOMAKER LLC, and Digital Vision World
– Conference speakers, symposium presenters, moderators, and translators
We would also like to thank the attendees of our virtual conference via Zoom Webinar & Facebook Live for joining us for our 25th Anniversary. There were 170 attendees who registered via Zoom Webinar and 30 attendees via Facebook Live.
Recordings of the conference sessions and the live Vietnamese cultural performance are available on SEAPAVAA’s Facebook page; and from 12 August 2021, all the recordings will also be viewable on SEAPAVAA’s YouTube channel.
We would also like to invite you to view a unique collection of classic Vietnamese animation with newly rescored music performed by current Vietnamese artists: RED BALLOONS: Music for 20th century Vietnamese Animation by The Onion Cellar and TPD Centre for the Development of Movie Talents, supported by the Vietnam Film Institute, British Council Vietnam, L’Espace Hanoi, Goethe-Institut Hanoi, The Japan Foundation Center for Cultural Exchange in Vietnam, and Dogma Collection. For more information, see the Red Balloons Programme.
These films will be available until 23 July 2021, with support from The University of Illinois, Media Preservation Department.
We hope to see you at SEAPAVAA’s 26th Conference in 2022. Please visit SEAPAVAA’s corporate and conference website and Facebook page for more news and updates.