Tales from the Vaults: An Illustrated History of Film Technology around the World /
Plongée au coeur des archives : une histoire illustrée des technologies du cinéma à travers le monde
A new project from TECHNÈS, the International Research Partnership on Cinema Technology and FIAF
Call for Contributions
Proposals for contributions are sought for a new publication entitled Tales from the Vaults. An Illustrated History of Film Technology around the World. The resulting book will present selected film objects from archives around the world to tell an enhanced history of cinema, one that includes the archival and technological perspective.
This project is a collaboration between FIAF and TECHNÈS. We are planning a beautifully crafted bilingual (English-French, the two official languages of TECHNÈS) publication featuring images and stories of our cinematic technological history as told through the objects from our archival vaults to be aimed at a broad audience.
Your contribution should feature an object from your archive that holds special technical or technological significance. This can be a camera, projector or other piece of equipment, or a specific object that might tell a story of a technological innovation or invention, like a manual or a poster, or an object related to post-production, projection or even archiving. Consider objects that merit selection on the basis of their physical characteristics, their uniqueness or for their relevance to the history of cinema, globally or locally or to your institution.
We invite you to send us a picture of the selected object along with a brief text (100-300 words) explaining why this object is of special importance in the history of cinema, or in the cinematic history of a region or nation, via this online form. The proposal submissions will close on 15 July 2020. Proposals are welcome from all archives, collectors and historians with a story to tell. Please note that our final publication will be bilingual and that proposals are welcome in both English and French. Each archive or individual may submit up to, but no more than three, proposed objects on this page of the FIAF website by 15 July. Should you submit more than one item, you will need to fill in a different form for each of them.
If you have questions, please contact us at After review from our editors, you will receive a reply regarding its selection.
For a more detailed description of the project see here and pasted in below.
Best regards,
Rachael Stoeltje (Indiana University/FIAF) and Louis Pelletier (Technès/Cinémathèque québécoise), Co-Editors
Christophe Dupin (FIAF) and Santiago Hidalgo (Technès), Project Steering Committee