by Ray Edmondson
Quezon City (11 November) — The second general meeting of the Memory of the World (MOW) Regional Committee for Asia-Pacific (MOWCAP) has established a framework for the future growth of the Program in the region, adopting a set of statutes and operational rules, and putting in place criteria for a new regional register of documentary heritage.
The three-day meeting and workshop was convened Nov. 7-9 by the UNESCO regional office for Asia and the Pacific, through the Philippine Information Agency, the UNESCO National Commission – Philippines and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts. It was held in Pasig City, Philippines and was attended by some 30 delegates from 15 countries.
The main outcomes of the meeting included:
- Presentation of reports, including a region-wide current assessment of the Program and the mentoring work of the Goodwill Patron, Dr Rujaya Abhakorn.
- Adoption of statutes and rules for MOWCAP, which will now meet every two years, with its bureau meeting annually
- Adoption of criteria for an Asia-Pacific Regional Register of documentary heritage, with the first inscriptions to be announced at the third MOWCAP meeting in 2007
- Settling of a structure for the new MOWCAP website, to be launched in January 2006
- Election of a new Bureau and establishment of subcommittees
- Identification of a range of projects for which funding will be sought, including a survey of audiovisual collections, and a scheme for safeguarding the “Memory of the Tsunami” which swept South East Asia on 26 December 2004
- Identifying and encouraging several new national Memory of the World committees currently in the process of formation.
The newly-elected MOWCAP Bureau comprises Ray Edmondson (chair), Carmen Padilla (vice chair) and Simon Fook-Keung Chu (Secretary General). The UNESCO Regional Advisor (Mrs Susanne Ornager) is an ex officio member of the Bureau. It will hold office until the fourth MOWCAP meeting in 2009.
Delegates to the meeting came from Australia, Cambodia, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, New Zealand, Tajikistan, Thailand, Vanuatu and Vietnam. The workshop on the third day explored the practicalities of setting up and running national MoW committees, and preparing nominations for the Memory of the World registers.
For further information contact: Simon Chu, Secretary General Mobile (852) 97293681.