UNESCO is inviting new nomination proposals for inscription on its Memory of the World International Register, a list of library collections and archive holdings of world significance, which was established in 1997 to promote documentary heritage of universal value. Nominations should ideally be submitted through the National Commissions for UNESCO or the Memory of the World National Committees in the countries where they are located. Proposals should be based on the selection criteria listed in the General Guidelines to Safeguard Documentary Heritage, which stipulates that the most important criterion for inscription on the Register is the universal significance of the documentary heritage.
The deadline for the submission of nominations is 31 March 2012 and no late submissions will be accepted. They should be submitted to UNESCO’s Memory of the World Secretariat:
- by email to: j.springer(at)unesco.org;
- by mail, accompanied by an electronic version on CD-ROM or USB key, addressed to: Joie Springer, Memory of the World Programme, Knowledge Society Division, 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France.
For more information, kindly visit the website at: MOW registration site